retail crew part time jobs Singapore

Retail crew is the person who takes care of the customers regarding their shopping needs. They are the one who is present to answer most of the customer queries and give advice regarding their best and preferable product for their payment within purchases. The job can be performed either full time or part time. Most of the sale crew has the below mentioned responsibilities. Check below to understand the job suitable criteria.

  • Staying attentive towards customers need
  • Providing information to customer that the product has regarding quality, availability and its features
  • Helping customers to find products throughout the shop
  • Give deep information regarding products that the customer is looking for within the shop.
  • Handling the payment section after purchase
  • Arranging the stocks according to customer need and deliver
  • Keep customer to be aware of the special offers
  • Ensure about all stock and its availability
  • Ensure for shoplifting and secured shopping

retail crew part time jobs Singapore

These are the requirements to handle as a retail crew. You have to check out these qualifications before applying for the job through retail crew part time jobs Singapore. The skills required to become a crew are

  • Good teamwork
  • Flexible towards different tasks
  • Ability to stay friendly and polite even while tired
  • Follow up procedures correctly
  • Ready to give and take advice
  • Having stamina to keep going through the work

One should be able to get through most of the works and the working hours are assisted towards timely progression and lot of responsibilities. It is mandatory to keep up all these factors as a retail crew.

By Smith