ux design agency Singapore

The day-to-day management of design is reflected in the implementation of more or less formal processes that frame the practice. The role of the designer, his attributions and the exchanges that he will have with the members of the other functions of the company are complex and with the variable perimeter. The question of the processes  design agency Singapore will then be presented keeping in mind this difficulty and without having a vocation to generalization.

How to pay a design agency (product, sound, graphics, architectural …)? With which fee structure?

“The purpose of this chapter is to recall the general principles governing the agency compensation system while presenting the different components of the compensation of design agencies.

Beforehand, it is a question of recalling some principles concerning the system of remuneration of the agency.

ux design agency Singapore

The compensation agreement must be fair to both parties. It must match the expected level of the advertiser’s requirements while allowing the agency to ensure the sustainability of its business and to generate profits.

Fees and design agencies

For its general mission of advice and creation, the agency receives fees that are intended to cover its direct and indirect costs and to contribute to its overhead costs and its margin. Fees include the analysis and reflection carried out by the agency, the design, the transmission of rights, the art purchase missions entrusted to it, as well as those of coordination and monitoring of execution (number back and forth between the advertiser and the agency. In the field of design, the possibilities of modes of remuneration are multiple. Indeed, the ux design agency Singapore  is of protean nature, which implies a variety of possible missions and the setting up of potentially different remuneration depending on the type of agency (packaging design, commercial architecture, sound design.

By Smith