Whether to hire a cleaning company in the domestic or organizational cleaning, there are a series of important recommendations that can help us make the right choice. Click here for платен домоуправител.

Only trust companies that comply with current legislation

It may seem a bit obvious, but it is essential that the contracted company comply with current legislation regarding liability and guarantees.It is essential that the company complies with hygiene and health measures to which the law refers.Thus, these companies must have civil liability insurance that covers possible damage to workers or that they may cause to elements of the company.

Similarly, it is important to check that workers are hired according to the law and, if possible, that the company is aware of all payments, to promote stable and quality work. Likewise, the company must comply with the Occupational Risk Prevention Law, to minimize the risk of an accident at work. Visit this site for платен домоуправител.

An important detail to keep in mind is that the cleaning service contracting company ends up having subsidiary responsibility over the cleaning company workers, since these employees, in case of insolvency, can claim before the contracting company. This reason is the fundamental reason that encourages any company to monitor the payment situation and the tax obligations of those companies that offer cleaning services.

Recommendations and opinions of other clients

A second aspect to value when hiring one or another cleaning company is knowing the opinions and recommendations of other clients. With the help of the internet this is much easier today, since social networks are full of comments and opinions.

It is interesting, therefore, to look at what companies’ customers say, if they receive negative reviews or on the contrary, there are also very positive opinions, which can also be suspicious.

Many of these companies have a website where they describe their services and even offer free estimates and add blogs offering advice related to cleaning in general. The more you know about the company, the more options you have for it.

Trust a company and bet on a faithful relationship

Once the decision is made to hire a cleaning company, it is highly appropriate that this relationship be lasting over time, for which both the contracting company and the service provider must do their part to make this possible.

Cleaning, order and hygiene, even if it is outsourced, is not something that should be left out of the organization itself, since clean and well-cared work environments maximize productivity for employees and generate a better image of the company in the workplace.

By Smith