A Guide to Software Design Patterns
When creating successful software tools like review DesignSpark Mechanical, RPG Maker MV tutorial videos, and Intelligen SuperPro Designer, working with design patterns can be a tricky task during software development. However, the number of potential design patterns along with the details of each pattern’s technical workings can make it challenging to select the right model for your particular project, component or programming language.
In this article, I will provide an overview of what design patterns are inclusive in the realm of software development.
Most modern languages have taken on techniques and syntax for built-in support for many design patterns, while the remaining are unnecessary. So, to provide the applicable and real-world information possible, we will define each of the models below in brief:
Creational Patterns:
These patterns focus on the spontaneous formation of objects within the code instead of requiring you to initiate the objects directly.
Abstract Factory: This puts together the groups of factories that are based on the same themes. It often uses polymorphism; this is the concept in object-oriented programming that allows one interface to serve as a basis for multiple functions of different variations.
Builder: This divides the structure of an object that presents methods to update the object, without directly having interacted with the object.
Factory: Here you create an object that specifies the exact class of the object that has to be built. Like the name says, this object instantiation is performed through a secondary factory class.
Prototype: It creates new objects by prototyping or duplicating an instance of an object.
Singleton: This pattern restricts the total number of instances of a particular class to only once. This is usually used when the global permit to the objects is granted across the system and any changes to the object must be consistent and similar.
Structural Patterns:
These patterns focus on the composition of classes and objects. It uses inheritance and interfaces; these patterns allow objects to be made in a manner that gives functionality. In many cases, the interface in object programming is an abstract type that has no logical code but is used to define method signatures and behaviors for other classes that will implement the interface.
Adapter: The adapter pattern allows the interface, which is usually incompatible, to be adapted to fit a new class. This is done by creating a new class name adapter that implements the interface, hence, it allows the pattern to be compatible across the system.
Bridge: This pattern helps you distinguish between implementation and abstraction, that is, it’s a pattern that separates the look and feel of the code from the consistent behavior; this is often seen in websites and other visual tools.
Composite: Object groups should be the same as individual objects from within the group, that is useful when creating a collection of objects that inherit from the same type. They are, however, different types themselves. Since they have the same composition, their behavior should be identical when combined into a collective group.
Decorator: This pattern dynamically changes the behavior of the object during the runtime, it does so by wrapping the object in a decorator class. The model is used when an object is instantiated but as the code execution.
Façade: This creates a front-end object that simplifies interactions between it. This pattern is mostly used when there is a complex series of actions that must take place to perform a task, where completing each work can be executed.
Flyweight: This reduces memory and resource usage by sharing data with similar objects. It often relies on the factory style patterns to access and store generated data during future executions.
Proxy: This includes the wrapper class for an object, it acts as an interface for the wrapped object. Typically, the proxy class gets attached to the behavior on the wrapped object without needing to modify the base object class behavior.
While the patterns mentioned above are a brief description of each design pattern, we hope this serves as a reasonable basis for understanding just how diverse design patterns can be, and how useful too, some successful examples are software tools like review DesignSpark Mechanical, RPG Maker MV tutorial videos, and Intelligen SuperPro Designer.